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Student Voice

Take a moment to listen to 6th and 7th grade boys reflect on global competence as it pertains to project based learning in math class.  The students were given both the World Savvy and Asia Society Global Matrix and asked to reflect on what they learned from their projects and how it relates to global competence.  Listen for evidence of learning and growth.

In addition to interviewing a few of my students, I also asked the 6th grade boys who just finished the advertising PBL to assess their learning according to Global Competence.  Below you will find graphs that break down the information by knowledge, skills and values and attitudes and to vote for how they would like to act.  I used World Savvy's Global Competence matrix to create my survey. The results, shown as a percent of the class, are below. I hope to use these results to assist me in planning of future units and the intentional development of global competence.

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