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Project Based Learning


Project Based Learning, while fairly new to the school of which I work, is not a new concept to education.  In fact, the roots of Project Based Learning can be related back to the days of Socrates, Aristotle and Confucius.  Take some time to watch the movie which will touch upon the following:


  • The definition of Project Based Learning

  • The history of Project Based Learning

  • What Project Based Learning is not

  • What Project Based Learning is

  • An Example of Project Based Learning in my classroom as it pertains to the Gold Standard Project Based Learning Design Elements

  • A reminder of best practices with Project Based Learning Teaching Practices

  • Examples of other PBL's done in my math classroom


The video I created spends a lot of time sharing the design elements of PBL.   You have likely come to the conclusion that traditional methods of teaching (Sage on Stage) are not going to work when you engage your students in this practice.  Gold Standards PBL Essential Teaching Elements were designed specifically for PBL.  However, I would love to emphasize that as we adapt our teaching practices to emphasize more student centered learning, these teaching practices are simply best practices for all we do in our classrooms.    


While all of the teaching practices should be considered as you plan PBL, I believe that first and foremost you need to build a new culture of learning in your classroom.  Students need to feel comfortable in a culture that understands and values inquiry, and respects independent learning. I have discovered in my own classroom that working through team building routines that emphasize the need to collaborate, see multiple perspectives and withhold judgement are most important.  


For the microfinance project that I have created and explained in the video, the following two activities help us understand the importance of communication, collaboration, how to be good leaders and followers and the appreciation of our similarities and differences.  Take a look at the learning web activity and  One Hen microfinance role play  that I have used to help me intentionally establish this culture of learning. 



Note: The slides from this presentation were created in collaboration with Jennifer Liu and Chris Ceci-MacGillis, Town School for Boys faculty members.  As members of the Committee on Teaching and Learning, we presented on this topic this fall for our faculty. 

More information about Gold Standard PBL Design Elements:

More information about Gold Standard PBL Teaching Practices:

PBL Planning Sheets:

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